03. July 2006 · Comments Off on An Island To Oneself – Suvarov, Cook Islands by Tom Neale · Categories: Linky

An Island To Oneself – Suvarov, Cook Islands by Tom Neale

An enthralling story of one man’s self imposed hermitage to a tiny island (atoll, technically) in the pacific.

This is the story of the years which I spent alone, in two spells on an uninhabited coral atoll half a mile long and three hundred yards wide in the South Pacific. It was two hundred miles from the nearest inhabited island, and I first arrived there on October 7, 1952 and remained alone (with only two yachts calling) until June 24, 1954, when I was taken off ill after a dramatic rescue.

I was unable to return to the atoll until April 23, 1960 and this time I remained alone until December 27, 1963.

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