10. April 2008 · Comments Off on Not dead, only sleeping · Categories: Me, Me, Me, Me · Tags: , , , , ,

Sorry for the lack of updates folks, but I’ve been doing some contract work for the University of San Diego (helping implement their Banner system, we’re doing Online Registration at the moment). It’s a fun project, but the hours have been a little brutal. Only one night without any sleep, but others have come close. Last week I worked a hair under 100 hours, which is a new personal record. Things are starting to slow a bit now and I’ve actually seen Christy again which is nice. Unfortunately I’m still getting to work at 5:30am so my sleep schedule is a little whacked out.

The upshot to all of this is positive income! So of course I spent some of that and purchased a bottle each of Tori Amer and Pimm’s #1 the other day. I’ve now finally tried the Pimm’s Cup which is indeed refreshing. I’m looking forward to drinking more. I wanted to splurge and buy a bottle of Laphroaig 15 year which is my favorite scotch, but BevMo didn’t have any. I really need to find a superior liquor store in San Diego, but so far no luck. There’s always shopping online at Hi-Time Wine which has a delightfully ludicrous selection.

Right, time for bed.

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