So I decided to play around with favicon.ico, otherwise known as the picture that shows up in your browser’s tab and/or URL. This is mainly prompted by the fact that, if you don’t have one of these, IE looks for it anyways, prompting a lot of errors in my site stats. This annoys people like me.
So I took a drawing that Christy did some time back and shrunk it down to be uber-tiny, and then played around with it a bit to make it show up more clearly in it’s new size. Assuming you can see it, can you tell what it is?
Icon, icon. I don’t see any extra…OH! That thing. Very cute! It looks like a Chilcano, but knowing you it’s probably a Negroni. Since Christy drew it, though, maybe it’s a nice gin and tonic?
Why, it’s a little drink! Hooray for drinks!
Hooray! Thanks for the feedback, I was curious if I’d be the only one who could tell it was a little tumbler glass. It’s actually off of the old drink menu we used to put out at parties (the drink that was in back of the center column).
It seems kind of fun, so I’ll leave it up. Thanks again!
Hooray for drinks indeed! *hoists coffee mug with dash of Baileys*