09. June 2007 · Comments Off on New Loot · Categories: General

So we went to the Spring Sale of the San Diego Potters’ Guild today. It’s hosted in Balboa Park’s Spanish Village, and there was a lot of fun pieces of art. We decided part way through that we’d shell out for a fruit bowl, something we’ve needed for some time. We had one picked out that we both liked although it was $45, which is a lot on our current budget. Then we noticed the following bowl in the Seconds (something wrong) table:

New Bowl!

We both really liked the design on the bottom, and while it’s not as nice as the original one we’d picked out, and it has a big crack in it, it was priced at an astounding one dollar! So we nabbed it and happily put the other one back. After tax it was a whole $1.08, which is totally worth it. A detailed picture of it as well as a shot of it in use on our now-much-nicer counter are below.

Fruit Bowl Detail Fruit bowl in use

The sale continues tomorrow (Sunday, the 10th) so if you’re in San Diego and looking for some great hand made mugs, bowls, dishes and a few sculptures, it’s well worth your time to check out.

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