25. January 2007 · Comments Off on I’ve moved! · Categories: General

It’s long overdue, and just in time to break a bunch of folk’s links, but I’ve changed this blog to be the main page on my site. As such, it’s now http://www.ardenstone.com without the “/wp/” at the end. This had been in the works for a while (hence the recent additions of resume, older non-flickr photos, etc. to the right hand menubar). I need to go add a redirect to the old address now. My apologies for breaking everyone’s (and by everyone I mean all three of you) links, but it’s nice to get rid of the old homepage.

Yes I would, Kent.

Don’t worry folks, while it might get down to the 30’s (wait, stop panicking!), the governator has, “ordered officials to place 16 additional “warming centers” on standby.”

I love this place. Although it occurs to me our heater doesn’t work. WHAT WILL WE DO???

02. January 2007 · Comments Off on The injustice of our list of sex offenders · Categories: General, Linky

Consider yourself spared from one of my long rants on the fear-mongering that has helped our society decide that permanently branding sex offenders and banishing them to remote rural areas is a good idea. When I was most of the way through it, I accidentally closed the tab. Anyhow, the Atlanta Magazine online has a post, “Why Is Genarlow Wilson in Prison?” that is horrifying, recommended reading. A teenager in Georgia had consensual oral sex with a 15 year old (he was 17 at the time) and as a result is in prison for 10 years and will be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life. The jurors convicted him of “aggravated child molestation” since that’s technically what happened, although they had no idea about the repercussions of it, including a mandatory 10 year sentence. The kid who was convicted did well in school, was voted homecoming king and had no criminal record. The girl he had oral sex did not want to press any charges (it was consensual). His life is now drastically altered, and no matter what he does he is publicly branded and a social pariah forever. The laws need to change, there is no justice here.

Christmas tends to sneak up on me anyways, but in the warmer, sunnier climate of San Diego, combined with me being heads down buried in schoolwork for the last few weeks, it’s been startling to see Christmas lights up at houses. Still, it was pretty cold and rainy today, so it was as close to December in Ohio as it’s been. The morning and early afternoon were a delightful few hours spent with friends who were in town. It was fun to see them all, and just hanging out in a coffee shop and over sushi was a wonderful break from schoolwork.

Later in the afternoon, we tried to get in the Christmas spirit. By “we” I mean Christy, Bryan and Amber who came together at our apartment and made Christmas cookies. And by “Christmas cookies” I mean like 200 of the things. I can’t believe how many sugar cookies and buckeyes (much less the mint-chocolate-chip-brownie-cookie-things) were produced in a span of 5 hours. Of course, I spent the time working on my website assignment for one of my classes, but I enjoyed the Christmas Music (I have a several hour mix left over from previous years when I used to throw a holiday cocktail party. That was back when I had 1) a house 2) time and 3) disposable income) and munching on a few tasty cookies. It still doesn’t feel quite like the holidays, but it was fun to have a house full of friends, music and good food while the rain came down on a grey day outside. Merry Christmas everyone!

The Frosting Station

(and for those counting, we’re up to 5 rainy days now. I fear it’s about to increase dramatically)

05. December 2006 · Comments Off on Happy Repeal Day! · Categories: General · Tags: , ,

In an earlier comment, AE alerted us to something so important it warrants its own post: today is Repeal Day. I would have posted this much earlier, but I just read her comment and had no idea this fabulous holiday existed until now.

Repeal Day - December 5th

As has been said before, sometimes there’s a man… I won’t say a hero, ’cause, what’s a hero? Sometimes, there’s a man. And I’m talkin’ about Jeffrey Morgenthaler here – the man who realized that prohibition was repealed on December 5th, 1933 and decided it was an event worth drinking to.

Here’s to you, 21st amendment.

PS: Why I miss living in London.

28. November 2006 · Comments Off on It’s officially winter · Categories: General

It’s been a tough evening here in San Diego. For one thing, we closed our windows for the first time since we moved in. That’s right: it’s cold outside. By cold, I mean an expected low of 51(F) but for around here, it’s cold. Going back to Ohio for the holidays is going to be brutal.

In addition, we have confirmed that Christy is allergic to Quorn, and I’m studying for a final tomorrow that I’m really not looking forward to. Life is pretty good when this represents a low spot.

Oh, and for those keeping track, our Rainy-Day-Count is up to 4 (as of yesterday). San Diego rocks.

So I just took the online Jung Typology Test at Human Metrics. The result:

Your Type is

Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging

You are:

  • moderately expressed introvert
  • slightly expressed sensing personality
  • slightly expressed feeling personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality

One analysis labels me as “the Protector Guardian”, which sounds like something on a tarot card. Anyhow, this is one of those things that comes up every few years in conversation, and I can never remember what I score, so here we go. Preserved to my electronic memory.

So, I am now running WordPress. I like the idea of using a weblog to form the backbone of a website, although this tends to mean I need strong support for categories. WordPress isn’t great for this out of the box, but I did use it to implement my neighborhood’s website (Harrison West). It’s written in PHP, how hard can it be to hack?

Welcome to my blog. Don’t worry, the pictures of my cats will be here any moment now.