10. November 2006 · Comments Off on Like Better · Categories: Linky

Photos You Like Better: You Are What You Like

An interesting sight that puts up pairs of photos and prompts you to choose the one you prefer. After a few iterations, it guesses some things about you. So far they seem kind of general, but it’s been right 3/4 times. At this point I’m a tad curious if there’s some actual educated guessing going on, or if it always posts the same guesses no matter what you pick. It’s still a fun site, though.

03. November 2006 · Comments Off on Omar · Categories: Pictures


The fuzzball that needs no further introduction: Omar. Ok, so I have a cold and haven’t left the house in two days. Results? You get cat pictures. Frankly, I wouldn’t expect much better when I return to health.

03. November 2006 · Comments Off on Joe Sorren – The Dance of All Hallows’ Eve · Categories: Linky

Joe Sorren – The Dance of All Hallows’ Eve

Ok, so I’m a terrible person for not having any Halloween postings this year. I had a 40 minute presentation the next day (scary!) so all I did was work and eat candy that would have gone to the trick-or-treaters had any stopped by. Here’s a work by Joe Sorren, maker of many fine things.

02. November 2006 · Comments Off on Audrey looking at denuded tree · Categories: Pictures

Audrey looking at denuded tree

We really do have three cats, but here’s another picture of just Audrey. I love how she silhouetted nicely looking out the window. The tree behind her was lovely and full, as were the rest in our complex, until the maintenance team came through and turned them into trembling skeletons. Hello, neighbors!

01. November 2006 · Comments Off on The Inanimate Tragedy · Categories: Linky

The Inanimate Tragedy
One of my favorite videos that Emily made, and there are a few great ones lurking about, was an adaption of Edward Gorey’s “The Inanimate Tragedy.” She’s posted it for halloween.

01. November 2006 · Comments Off on Self-portrait in a bathroom mirror · Categories: Pictures

Self-portrait in a bathroom mirror

If you look into the corner of the bathroom, you will always see your reflection, minus your face. It’s a wonderfully creepy effect of which I’m rather fond.

31. October 2006 · Comments Off on Happy Halloween! · Categories: Pictures

Cat toy the fierce

Happy Halloween from wonderful friends!

This is the toy they brought our kitties. You’ll note it’s already starting to accumulate a second coat of Omar hair, as does everything in our house. I pulled a suit out of its cover today to match it with a shirt, and before I’d even moved it 2 feet to the shirts, it was covered in fine, grey hair. Fuzzy buttheads.

30. October 2006 · Comments Off on Spider ascends · Categories: Pictures
Spider ascends

I was walking to the tree under which I sit between classes, when I chanced upon this spider. When I first noticed it, it was squatting happily above a large, desiccated grasshopper. I was standing close, and zooming in closer to get a good shot when the spider suddenly thrust out its legs, growing three times its original size and taking up my entire viewfinder for the half second before I leapt backwards.