27. June 2006 · Comments Off on Bourbon Drinks · Categories: Linky

Bourbon Drinks

A collection of mixed drinks all containing bourbon. This is from Straight Bourbon a quiet site dedicated bourbon and the distillers thereof.

02. June 2006 · Comments Off on Was the 2004 Election Stolen? · Categories: Linky

Was the 2004 Election Stolen?

It is fascinating to watch The Rolling Stone recover some of its investigative journalism in the last couple of years. This article is about the 2004 presidential election, and the vast discrepencies and questions of voter fraud. A large part of this article is about Ohio. I was one of the people who waited over three hours to vote here in Columbus, and I remember the frustration of the pollworkers that day. The man who appeared to be in charge lamented, “I’ve been asking for more polling machines for weeks, and they never sent them.” Have I mentioned how much I dislike and fear Kenneth Blackwell?

23. May 2006 · Comments Off on LGaM – Military Affairs Reading List · Categories: Linky

The Military Affairs Reading List from Lawyers, Guns and Money

I enjoy reading LGaM for the political commentary, but the link here is a (long) list of books to read for a grounding in military strategy. You know, for when the zombies attack.

CJ, among others, has requested a military affairs reading list. Ask 100 students of military affairs this question and you’ll get 100 different lists, and I haven’t really made an effort to give a general survey. Rather, this is a selection of my favorite books. I also spoke with John at Op For, and he offered his list.

After the four years intensive study required to finish this list, browse the comments attached to the post for a few more suggestions.

22. May 2006 · Comments Off on My Science Project Answers Your Questions · Categories: Linky

My Science Project Answers Your Questions

A site dedicated to using DIY science(ish) to test whatever problem or hypothesis catches their fancy. I’m especially fond of their What’s it like to get hit with a 28 gauge shotgun? (aka: “The Cheney Shotgun Experiment”) page. Other experiments include playing with jello shots and finding out whether or not Viagra keeps cut flowers upright (apparently so).

12. May 2006 · Comments Off on How to Paint a Room: What Your Mother Never Told You · Categories: Linky

How to Paint a Room: What Your Mother Never Told You

Some tips on how to do it. I’ve painted (with help) most of the rooms in my house, and I think it worked out pretty well. But I see some re-painting in my future, and turning a room from midnight blue to any other color is going to be hard…

13. April 2006 · Comments Off on Ian’s Secure Shoelace Knot · Categories: Linky

Ian’s Secure Shoelace Knot

Good example of a double slip knot used for shoelaces. It always annoys me to double knot my running shoes (and if I don’t, they will come untied) only to then try and carefully untie the mess 45 minutes later. Hopefully this will keep my shoes on just as securely, while allowing me to take them off without a fierce struggle.

This entry officially allows you to point to this site and shout, “neeeeerd!”

[edit] – This so totally works. Rock!

06. March 2006 · Comments Off on The Moral Hazard Myth · Categories: Linky

The Moral Hazard Myth by Malcolm Gladwell.

An article discussing why our health care in America sucks today. I’ve spent the last year and change watching my financially sound, middle class family jump through hoops to try and get proper care for my grandmother. Today I was privelaged enough to hear some wingnut regale me about how allowing her free medical care might tempt her into asking for more medical care. Because, really, hospitals are fun.

02. February 2006 · Comments Off on Dream Anatomy · Categories: Linky

Dream Anatomy: A National Library of Medicine Exhibit

A lot of old prints of human anatomy. Some very surreal and creepy.