12. February 2005 · Comments Off on Zombie Infection Simulation · Categories: Linky

Zombie Infection Simulation

With some similarities to the old Game of Life excercise, this is a morbid and somewhat terrifying page that generates a city and populates it with humans and some zombies. The humans are fast, the zombies are slow and each have a few basic rules to govern their behavior. Watch as the zombies slowly take over the city.

BONUS LINK! Ok, I loved this thing so much that I wrote my own version just to play with the rules. Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!

12. February 2005 · Comments Off on Disc-Cover: From FreeDB to Cover · Categories: Linky

Disc-Cover: From FreeDB to Cover

“Just fill in an artist and/or title below. We will search the FreeDB database and show all the results. Then, select your desired cd, the output format you want together with the type of case and we will create a cover for it.”

Search FreeDB and then print out CD covers with the appropriate information.

12. February 2005 · Comments Off on The Business Benefits of Web Standards · Categories: Linky

The Business Benefits of Web Standards

“This article discusses how adhering to web standards, and leaving behind proprietary markup and technologies, can contribute to a company’s business goals.”

12. February 2005 · Comments Off on The Memory Hole · Categories: Linky

The Memory Hole [rescuing knowledge, freeing information]

“The Memory Hole exists to preserve and spread material that is in danger of being lost, is hard to find, or is not widely known.”

Left-leaning site that reports on news not well (or at all) covered in popular media. This site is why the internet is cool.

12. February 2005 · Comments Off on Remote Administration/Backup of Mac OS X Using rsync · Categories: Linky

Remote Administration/Backup of Mac OS X Using rsync

My backup methods suck. Of course I also don’t own a Mac (yet? did someone say, “mini!”?), but that’s why God invented Cygwin.

12. February 2005 · Comments Off on Browser Archive · Categories: Linky

Evolt.org’s Browser Archive

The problem with posting links like the previous one, is that I end up spending far too long looking at Oliver and yet somehow justifying the whole process by finding this link that allows you to view your web pages simulated from a variety of browsers. Any initial tinkering with CSS will have you willing to give up your left arm for a resource like this. It’s either that or hunt down every user of IE5, one by one…

12. February 2005 · Comments Off on A List Apart: Practical CSS Layout Tips, Tricks and Techniques · Categories: Linky

A List Apart: Practical CSS Layout Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Lots of good stuff on this site, but this article in particular goes over converting from tables to CSS, having left and right centered content in one row, abbreviations and making lists much more versatile. I used to read A List Apart with some frequency back when I spent far too much of my time writing web pages. If you’re just starting to look into things, Zeldman and Dean Allen really know their stuff. Those links are to their personal blogs, which I still enjoy when I chance upon them.

12. February 2005 · Comments Off on Web Designers 411 · Categories: Linky

Web Designers 411 :: Showcasing the Best Flash Sights in the World

This is one of my more useless tags since 1) I don’t implement web sites for other people anymore and 2) I hate, hate, hate flash based web sites for a myriad of geeky reasons. That being said, I suck at design so every bit of inspiration helps.