I saw this as I was turning off the TV last night, and was intrigued enough to wait until what I thought was a commercial ended.

This is from Let California Ring, one of the groups who support gay marriage. Ohio’s terrifyingly popular decision to ban gay marriage was one of the main reasons I was happy to leave. This is a human rights issue. If you’re a Californian, vote no on Proposition 8.

08. June 2008 · 1 comment · Categories: General

So I haven’t been posting much (obviously). I spend all my time at work on this computer, so I haven’t had a ton of motivation to do more at home. My Flickr photostream is actually the best way to get updates (including: I’m engaged!). All that aside, as I was sending an email today, Thunderbird’s spell-check made the best connection ever:

Thunderbird\'s spell-check on Laphroaig: Aphrodisiac

Laphroaig makes some of the loveliest scotches I’ve ever had the privilege to enjoy. Their 15 y/o continues to be my favorite, but the whole line is worth tasting.

Ok, time to turn off the laptop. Hope y’all are well!

10. April 2008 · Comments Off on Not dead, only sleeping · Categories: Me, Me, Me, Me · Tags: , , , , ,

Sorry for the lack of updates folks, but I’ve been doing some contract work for the University of San Diego (helping implement their Banner system, we’re doing Online Registration at the moment). It’s a fun project, but the hours have been a little brutal. Only one night without any sleep, but others have come close. Last week I worked a hair under 100 hours, which is a new personal record. Things are starting to slow a bit now and I’ve actually seen Christy again which is nice. Unfortunately I’m still getting to work at 5:30am so my sleep schedule is a little whacked out.

The upshot to all of this is positive income! So of course I spent some of that and purchased a bottle each of Tori Amer and Pimm’s #1 the other day. I’ve now finally tried the Pimm’s Cup which is indeed refreshing. I’m looking forward to drinking more. I wanted to splurge and buy a bottle of Laphroaig 15 year which is my favorite scotch, but BevMo didn’t have any. I really need to find a superior liquor store in San Diego, but so far no luck. There’s always shopping online at Hi-Time Wine which has a delightfully ludicrous selection.

Right, time for bed.

I am on the hunt for a job. This means doing a variety of fun and exciting activities, but one of the ones I do enjoy is the interview process. It’s a great opportunity to verbalize how you’ll be a wonderful employee, but also a good opportunity to find out more about the position. It turns out that the more detailed and knowledgeable questions you ask during this process, the smarter the interviewer tends to think you are. Which brings up the topic: what to ask?

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BuckarooI usually drink a cup of coffee a day, and it’s decaf at that. However, I find that if I don’t have any caffeine, come early afternoon a slight headache develops. Perhaps its all in my mind (can you really be addicted to decaf?! I know it still has some caffeine, but come on…), but today was one of those days where the morning flew by and suddenly it’s 3pm and I’m rubbing my forehead. The weather has turned warm, and it’s rather hot in the sunbeam (sorry Ohioans), so I was in no mood for a cup of coffee. My backup plan: Coke! It’s also Friday, and I’m at home just finishing some web updates, so the perfect time for a drink.
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08. February 2008 · Comments Off on “Is it ok to drink bourbon while studying for a test” · Categories: General · Tags: , , ,

Elijah Craig on WindowsillI don’t obsessively check out search strings that lead random strangers to my site, but I do look at them occasionally. Every once in a while you get a great one, like last Monday’s, “Is it ok to drink bourbon while studying for a test”.

As someone who just graduated from a rather intense MBA program, let me assure you that yes it is ok to drink during studying. In part because, depending on the program, you may not have any time where you’re not studying. Also, the professor is probably going to be drinking while grading your test or paper. Wine if you’re lucky, whiskey if you’re not. If you go to a larger university and there are TA’s grading your paper, well duh. They’re wasted. So it helps to be on the same wavelength.

Finally, might I also recommend bringing alcohol to class. Only to celebrate particular occasions, such as finishing your team project, completing the final or because it’s Wednesday, and don’t be all wussy about it. Buy a stack of disposable shot glasses and bring a bottle of something that can be served at room temperature (scotch, I’m looking at you). Then, preferably near the end of class, but earlier if you think it will fly, break it open. Don’t forget to invite the professor, depending on who it is they may or may not accept, but really it’s good form.

Also note that, if you’re an undergraduate student, you should probably ignore that last paragraph.

Good luck in your studies!

Let the following be known:

  1. This is all AE’s fault
  2. This drink is horrible. Do not attempt at home.
  3. It looks worse in person. It tastes much worse.

Ok, now that we have the warnings out of the way, allow me to present:


  • 2 oz white rum
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • 1/2 oz amaretto
  • 1/2 oz triple sec
  • 1/2 tsp grenadine
  • slice of lime

Combine all liquid ingredients and shake over ice. Pour into old-fashioned glass and garnish with lime slice.

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Golden Dawn

I recently acquired some apricot brandy and have been on the lookout for cocktails that used it. The first few attempts haven’t been worth the time but the Golden Dawn is kind of fun. Most recipes call for Calvados (an apple brandy, of which I have no real substitutes) but it’s also sometimes made without. Given what I have on hand, I mucked about with it a bit and here’s how I’ve been serving them.

Golden Dawn

  • 3/4 oz gin
  • 1/2 oz apricot brandy
  • 1/2 oz orange juice
  • a dash or two of grenadine

Combine all ingredients except the grenadine and shake with ice. Pour into a cocktail glass and drop the grenadine in. It should sink to the bottom of the glass for nice sunrise effect.

Some folks garnish with an orange slice or cherry, but I prefer without. This is a simple drink, I’d love to try it with an apple brandy to see if it’s a little more complex and interesting, but as is it’s refreshing, sweet but not terribly so and visually kind of fun. Besides, it’s a rare excuse to use that homemade grenadine.