That’s right, folks: it’s that time of the year again. December 5th is Repeal Day! Hoist a drink at 21:00 to celebrate the 21st amendment, which repealed the 18th and allowed the fine citizens (and everyone else whose 21 years or older) to legally drink again.
In an earlier comment, AE alerted us to something so important it warrants its own post: today is Repeal Day. I would have posted this much earlier, but I just read her comment and had no idea this fabulous holiday existed until now.
As has been said before, sometimes there’s a man… I won’t say a hero, ’cause, what’s a hero? Sometimes, there’s a man. And I’m talkin’ about Jeffrey Morgenthaler here – the man who realized that prohibition was repealed on December 5th, 1933 and decided it was an event worth drinking to.
Here’s to you, 21st amendment.